Winter 1
Winter 2
Winter 3

Zoning Committee

Town of St. Germain Code of Ordinances: Chapter 1, Zoning
1.602 (B)  Creation of the Zoning Committee:

The five member Zoning Committee shall be appointed by the Town Chairperson and confirmed by the Town Board. Those committee members shall also serve on the Town’s Plan Commission as provided in Section 60-62(4)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Terms of office for Committee Members shall be three (3) years. Of those first appointed, One shall serve for one (1) year, two shall serve for two (2) years and two shall serve for three (3) years. The Town Chairperson shall also appoint the presiding officer, subject to confirmation by the Town Board.

After a period of non-existence, the Zoning Committee was re-established in April of 2016.

Current committee assignments are reflected below:

Zoning Administrator

Zoning Administrator
715-542-8024 Option 3

Zoning Committee

Chairman - Town Board Member
715-542-8024 Option 6, press 3
Citizen Volunteer (3 year term ending April 2027)
Citizen Volunteer (3 year term ending April 2025)
Citizen Volunteer (3 year term ending April 2026)
Citizen Volunteer - 3 year term ending April 2027
Roxanne Platz Town Resident (3 year term ending September 2025)  
Peggy Ausloos Town Resident (3 year term ending September 2026)  
Alternate Member Open position, town resident  
Ed Siergiej Town Resident (3 year term ending September 2026)  
Jim Swenson Town Board Member (3 year term ending September 2024) jim.swenson [at] (jim[dot]swenson[at]stgermainwi[dot]gov)
Tom Christensen Town Board Member (3 year term ending September 2024) tom.christensen [at] (tom[dot]christensen[at]stgermainwi[dot]gov)
Tim Gebhardt Alternate (appointed January 24, 2019)  

Building Permits and Inspections for Dwellings

In addition to town issued Zoning Permits, which authorize the placement of specific structures within specific zoning districts in the town, the State of Wisconsin also requires the issuance of Building Permits for the construction or remodeling of structures containing one or more dwelling units which are defined as:

Dwelling unit: A structure or a portion thereof that is arranged, designed, used or intended for use for human habitation, by one or more persons maintaining one common household, to the exclusion of all other persons.  It includes without limitation because of enumeration, mobile homes and dwelling areas above a garage.

The town Zoning Administrator does not issue building permits and does not perform building inspections. The Town of St. Germain has contracted with a state certified "Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC)" inspection agency to provide those services.

Baas Inspection Agency, LLC
9695 County Road A
Alvin, WI 54542
Phone (715) 545-3292
Cell (715) 891-0323
E-mail: info [at] (info[at]baasInspectionagencyllc[dot]com)

Click here to access the contract between the town and the inspection agency, including inspection agency fees for services.