Winter 1
Winter 2
Winter 3

Independence Day Committee

Committee Creation

The Independence Day Committee was created by a resolution SG19-09-2 on September 9, 2019 following many years of the Independence Day celebration festivities having been planned and coordinated primarily by community volunteers and organizations. While town boards had long recognized and applauded the work of these individuals, concern over public safety during the parade caused the existing board to understand the potential personal liability risk of individuals coordinating the various activities throughout the day-long annual festivities.

The Committee was then restructured by resolution SG21-01-1 on January 11, 2021.

Committee Purpose and Objective Statement

The Independence Day Celebration Committee is established to organize, promote and safely execute the town's celebration of the recognized Independence Day of the United States of America. This committee is made up of volunteers from the following: Town Officials, St. Germain clubs and organizations and citizens from St Germain and the surrounding area. The celebration allows residents and visitors of all ages to enjoy a day of activities as well as clubs and organizations to raise funds for their organization by providing a service/activity for the celebration.  Activities include and are not limited to:

  • Fireworks display
  • Parade
  • Craft Show
  • Freedom 5K run -
  • Food
  • Music
  • Free family entertainment

The public and business community are invited to attend all meetings and are encouraged to suggest any additional ideas to make this celebration a success. Any person, business or organization wishing to volunteer to help and participate are also encouraged and asked to contact any committee member, or organization participating in providing a function of this committee and the celebration.

Committee Members - Appointed May 08, 2023

Citizen Volunteer & Secretary
715-542-8024 Option 8
Primary Town Rep
715-542-8024 Option 6, press 5
Alternate Town Rep
715-542-8024 Option 6, press 4
Citizen Volunteer
Citizen Volunteer

*Non-Voting Advisory St. Germain Clubs & Organizations

Chamber of Commerce
Freedom 5K Run
Lions Club
UCC Thrift Shop
Women's Service Club
Evangelicals Free Church

*These organizations each sponsor one or more celebration events. As a sponsor, they may, at the discretion of the Committee under guidance of the Town’s insurance agent, be required to provide certification of insurance coverage for their event(s). Additionally, the participation of these organizations in planning of the overall celebration is critical to the success of the day. Therefore, they are regarded as non-voting advisory members of the Committee. This list of organizations will change periodically.